Economic Stabilization Updates 2008

Skadden is advising clients on various aspects of the U.S. Treasury’s Capital Purchase Program (CPP) to inject capital into financial institutions under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, as well as clients considering selling assets under the EESA’s Troubled Asset Relief Program. We have compiled the resources on this Web page to keep you up-to-date on the most recent news and developments in this area. 

Most Recent Alert

On October 23, the Federal Reserve issued its “Proposed Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies.” The Federal Reserve is soliciting comment on the Guidance for a thirty-day period following publication in the Federal Register.  Click here to read more.

Skadden-Authored Alerts and Memoranda

TARP Report for October 14, 2008: New Programs Implementing Equity Investments in Financial Institutions; Debt Guarantees
TARP Report: October 27, 2008: Preferred Stock Investments Under the Capital Purchase Program
TARP Report: November 12, 2008
TARP Report: November 13, 2008
TARP Report: November 17, 2008
TARP Report: November 17, 2008: Senator Grassley Congressional Letter
TARP Report: November 18, 2008
TARP Report: November 24, 2008: OCC Approval of 'Shelf' Charters to Acquire Failed Banks, Citigroup Program
TARP Report: November 25, 2008: 'Problem' Bank List Grows, SEC Guidance and New Federal Reserve Asset Facility
TARP Report: November 26, 2008: Non-Bank Participation in FDIC Auctions of Failed Banks
TARP Report: December 10, 2008 : Kashkari Testimony Before Congress; the SSFIP
TARP Report December 11, 2008: Capital Purchase Program Additional Information