For the third year in a row, The National Law Journal named Skadden to its "Appellate Hot List" of law firms showing "stellar appellate advocacy." The firm has been honored in each of the three years that the newspaper has published the list, which is limited to 20 law firms. The publication noted three reversals that Skadden secured at the appellate level during the past year, representing NRG Power Marketing, LLC (as co-counsel) in a U.S. Supreme Court decision that increases the certainty of energy contracts and reduces the risks associated with industry lending; ANSES, the Argentine social security administration, in securing immunity for its investments in the U.S. from being attached to a court ruling to satisfy the debts of the Argentine Republic; and Basell AF, its acquisition subsidiary, and subsequently, Lyondell Chemical Company, in litigation challenging Basell’s $13 billion acquisition of Lyondell.