Skadden Presents Seminar on Navigating Corporate Crises

James R. Carroll Jay B. Kasner Peter A. Atkins John H. Beisner James S. Talbot Colleen P. Mahoney

On November 15, Skadden presented a seminar titled "Navigating Corporate Crises: What Directors Should Know" in New York. The seminar focused on preparing for and dealing with crises, such as those arising from whistleblower claims, claims of serious regulatory noncompliance, accounting or other financial irregularities, CEO integrity or corporate misconduct claims, product defects or recalls, industrial disasters, receipt of unsolicited takeover proposals or aggressive activist interest, and cybersecurity breaches and other data loss situations. Speakers included partners Peter Atkins, John Beisner, John Carroll, Jay Kasner and Colleen Mahoney, as well as counsel James Talbot. Guest speakers included Capricorn Holdings, Inc. managing general partner Herbert Winokur and Joele Frank, founder and managing partner of Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher.