Cybersecurity Preparedness: A Live Cyberattack Tabletop Exercise

Jack P. DiCanio Stuart D. Levi Annie Villanueva Jeffers

On March 3, Skadden presented “Cybersecurity Preparedness: A Live Cyberattack Tabletop Exercise” in Palo Alto. During the program, Skadden lawyers and outside experts conducted a tabletop exercise of a cyberattack at a hypothetical company. The panelists received a general outline of facts before the session and asked to respond to new developments presented in real time during the program. Companies have found that a tabletop exercise allows them to identify and discuss issues in preparation for an actual attack, and provides an invaluable learning experience that helps them design a best plan of action. Guest speakers included Anne Granfield of Finsbury, Louise Pentland of PayPal and William H. Stewart of Booz Allen Hamilton. Skadden speakers included Jack DiCanio, Leif King, Stuart Levi, Amy Park and Anne Villanueva.