Unlocking the Value of Corporate Real Estate: Sale Leasebacks and Property Spin-offs to Capitalize on Real Estate Value

Los Angeles real estate counsel George Fatheree moderated a panel at the USC Gould School of Law 2016 Real Estate Law and Business Forum on March 10. The panel discussion, titled "Unlocking the Value of Corporate Real Estate: Sale Leasebacks and Property Spin-offs to Capitalize on Real Estate Value," focused on the latest trends in sale leaseback transactions and "opco/propco" deals, where companies spin off their real estate to a REIT and then master lease the property. The panelists got into the nuts and bolts of sale leasebacks and provided an overview of the spin-off transactions, explored the strategic business and legal issues companies should consider to determine how these structures helped companies maximize the value of their real estate, and provided "best-practice" insights for successful execution.