Musings on Multinational Tax: What to Expect From GILTI Conscience

Skadden Podcast / GILTI Conscience: Casual Discussions on Transfer Pricing, Tax Treaties and Related Topics

Nathaniel Carden David Farhat Eman Cuyler Stefane Victor

Skadden is proud to present "GILTI Conscience," a new podcast series in which tax partners Nate Carden and David Farhat invite other industry leaders and authorities to join them in discussing pressing transfer pricing issues, international tax reform efforts and tax administration trends.

In episode one, "Musings on Multinational Tax: What To Expect From GILTI Conscience," Nate and David speak with associates Eman Cuyler and Stefane Victor about the impact of COVID on taxation, recent notable headlines, why “where” became the wrong question for determining tax implications, the top challenge this year for multinationals, and whether tax reform is exciting or terrifying for practitioners.

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