The General Guide to the UK Takeover Regime

Skadden Publication

George Knighton Simon Toms Craig Kelly

The Skadden General Guide to the UK Takeover Regime is an essential handbook for companies and advisers looking at UK public mergers and acquisitions, in which our partners and a former Takeover Panel deputy director general (who is now a Skadden consultant) provide insights into the key elements of the UK Takeover Code.

In its structure and regulatory approach, the UK Takeover Panel is different in a number of significant respects to other regulators in the UK and overseas. The General Guide to the UK Takeover Regime sets out to explain these differences and the scope of the Takeover Code. It aims to assist directors, advisers and investors to navigate the legal and regulatory landscape governing takeovers of UK companies and explains how the Panel operates in practice and how market participants can best engage with it on a live transaction.

Read the General Guide to the UK Takeover Regime.