Skadden Promotes 17 to Counsel

We are pleased to announce that the following attorneys have become counsel as of May 1:


Eben P. Colby Litigation Boston
Laura A. Hazelwood Corporate Chicago
Stéphane Héliot Corporate Paris
Scott C. Hopkins Corporate London
B.K. Lee Structured Finance New York
Carrie LeRoy Intellectual Property and Technology Palo Alto
Kefei Li Corporate Beijing
Gregory A. Litt Litigation New York
Ronda McKaig Litigation Los Angeles
Maria Protopapa Capital Markets London
Susan B. Reuben Trust and Estates New York
Risa M. Salins Labor and Employment Law New York
Kenneth B. Schwartz Antitrust New York
Michael J. Schwartz Corporate Finance New York
John L. Shepherd, Jr. Energy Regulation and Litigation Washington, D.C.
Aubry D. Smith Investment Management New York
Matthew D. Umhofer Litigation Los Angeles