We are pleased to announce that the following attorneys have become counsel as of May 1:
Eben P. Colby | Litigation | Boston |
Laura A. Hazelwood | Corporate | Chicago |
Stéphane Héliot | Corporate | Paris |
Scott C. Hopkins | Corporate | London |
B.K. Lee | Structured Finance | New York |
Carrie LeRoy | Intellectual Property and Technology | Palo Alto |
Kefei Li | Corporate | Beijing |
Gregory A. Litt | Litigation | New York |
Ronda McKaig | Litigation | Los Angeles |
Maria Protopapa | Capital Markets | London |
Susan B. Reuben | Trust and Estates | New York |
Risa M. Salins | Labor and Employment Law | New York |
Kenneth B. Schwartz | Antitrust | New York |
Michael J. Schwartz | Corporate Finance | New York |
John L. Shepherd, Jr. | Energy Regulation and Litigation | Washington, D.C. |
Aubry D. Smith | Investment Management | New York |
Matthew D. Umhofer | Litigation | Los Angeles |