Firm Ranks First in First-Half M&A League Tables

Skadden has ranked first in M&A league tables published by Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters and mergermarket for announced first-half 2015 global and U.S. announced deals by value. In Thomson Reuters' league tables, Skadden also ranked first by deal value for worldwide completed deals and first by deal value for announced transactions in emerging markets; Brazil, Russia, India and China; Middle East and North Africa; Europe, the Middle East and Africa health care; and U.S. telecommunications. In Bloomberg's league tables, we also ranked first by deal value in announced transactions for Asia Pacific (excluding Japan).

In Bloomberg's first-half 2015 global corporate finance league tables, Skadden ranked first (i) as issuer counsel by deal count for U.S. equity-linked transactions; (ii) as issuer counsel by deal count and volume for U.S. high-yield transactions; and (iii) as manager counsel by deal count and volume for India equity IPOs.