2025 Insights: A First Look at Trump’s Second Term

Skadden Publication

The Deal Landscape

Resilient Economy and Promises of Lessened Regulation, Lower Taxes Raise Hopes for a Surge in M&A
The prospect of more relaxed antitrust policies and reduced regulation of sectors ranging from energy to AI, together with lower interest rates and a strong U.S. economy, have fed expectations that the pace of M&A will accelerate in 2025.

Keep Your Seatbelts Fastened: The Wild Antitrust Ride May Not Be Over
The second Trump administration is likely to take a relatively aggressive approach to antitrust enforcement but will probably be more open to mergers and behavioral remedies. The FTC’s ban on noncompetes will likely be withdrawn.

Betting on the ‘Trump Trade’ To Make the Capital Markets Great Again
IPO, bond and private capital markets all stand to gain from lower taxes, less regulation and more business-friendly policies under the new administration, provided that tariffs and reduced tax revenue do not spike inflation and prompt interest rates to rise again.

Rising Investment in AI Requires Financial Sponsors To Address Unique Risks
Financial sponsors are increasingly attracted to AI investment, but it is vital that they monitor the diverse regulatory frameworks evolving around the globe and develop strategies to address the technology’s unique risks.

Sovereign Wealth Funds and Liberalized Rules Are Driving the Growth of Middle Eastern Business Hubs
With the substantial capital of Middle Eastern SWFs, their more hands-on approach to investing abroad and reforms to FDI regimes making inbound investment easier, the Gulf states have emerged as major global financial hubs.

See the full 2025 Insights publication